Holiday Soccer Clinics
Scheduled Holiday Clinics run Monday to Thursday from 9.00am to 2.00pm
in the School Holidays.
Registrations are essential and the Registration Forms close at 5.00pm Friday
before the Clinic is to be held, or earlier if numbers approach available Coaching limits.
"Regarding our hugely popular school holiday Clinics.
This is not an event for player development, If, you are after that, check our FC1919 Rapid Acceleration Program – sure your children might learn something at the Clinics. However, what we can guarantee is they’ll have fun. Never fails, and our coaches for the most part are all young Club people who know how to run a day with maximum enjoyment.
GTFC President Anthony White
2025 Holiday Clinics
Monday 20th to Thursday 23rd January 2025
Monday 7th April to Thursday 10th April 2025
Monday 7th July to Thursday 10th July 2025
Monday 29th September to Thursday 2nd October 2025
January ​​Registration Form Link
Registrations Close FRIDAY 17th January 5:00pm!
Holiday Clinic Policy Document
For information, Please email info@grangethistle.com
Registration and Payment Options
(Please select either All Days OR any combination of single days)
Direct Debit
BSB 034010
Account Number 223158
Reference HC Surname and initial (eg HC Smith J)
Credit Card
Payments can be made by contacting the Club Manager with details at info@grangethistle.com
Note: These payments can only be completed when the Manager is at the Club.
Payment amount for all four days is $200
If attending less than all four days, calculate the amount by adding the rate by the days attending.
Payment for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is $65 per day
Payment For Thursday is $70 (includes BBQ Lunch)
Attending Mon and Tue - 2 x $65 = $130
Attending Mon and Thu - 1 x $65 + 1 x $70 = $135
Upon completion of the Form, the participant will be accepted subject to payment being reconciled. Once reconciled a confirmation of acceptance to the Clinic email will be made intermittently leading up to the start date. No other communication will be issued.
Information on the Clinic for participants will be emailed out on the weekend before the Clinic commences.
Fair Play Vouchers
It would be wise to only use the Voucher if your child is attending all 4 days of the Clinic because of the rules set out below.
Under Fair Play Voucher redemption rules as specified by the Queensland Government:
7.2 You acknowledge and agree that:
if the Voucher is used other than in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (e.g. you redeem the Voucher at a non-registered provider) you may be required to pay the Activity Provider the outstanding fees;
where membership, registration or participation fees are more than $200, you will be required to pay the difference;
if the membership, registration or participation fees are less than $200, the Department will reimburse the Activity Provider for the amount of the membership, registration or participation fees only. The balance is not redeemable in cash or towards the membership, registration or participation fees for another Activity Provider;
If you intend to use the Voucher, please send an email to info@grangethistle.com with the voucher attached and include the name of the Child it is to be applied to for the Clinic. You should have already completed the Registration Form.
The Club will then complete the redemption via the Government Portal.
Once we receive the Government Remittance confirming the voucher has been paid to our account, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Until this reconciliation is complete the position is not confirmed.
Parking available onsite around the back of the main Clubhouse.

When you arrive, check for your child/children's Name and Field location on the list provided on the wall of the Canteen building. Field allocation maps are on the Field Map, also on the Canteen wall.

Once you have identified your allocated area, move to it to meet your Coach for Check In and to receive your Holiday Clinic Shirt (on your first day).
Clinic Shirts
In 2025, we are introducing a new policy on Clinic Shirts to minimise excess clothing waste. Currently children get a new shirt each Clinic they attend, which could mean as many as 4 shirts in a year. Feedback has been that this is unnecessary and a waste in many cases.
The Club will use a single style of shirt for all Clinics in a year. Therefore, you may choose to only purchase one new shirt per child for all Clinics throughout the year. The future Clinics for the year will therefore be discounted by $25 for that child only as long as the Clinic shirt for that year is worn.
IF the shirt is not worn on a day your child is registered to attend, there will be a $25 charge for a new clinic shirt which will be provided by the Coach on that day. There will be no exceptions to this rule and the parent contact listed for the child will be called to complete a payment over the phone that day.
The following map is an example of possible field layouts for the Clinic.
We also have the ability to use the Bowls Club top green area in the event of the fields being too damp. In the event that we use the Bowls Greens, please wait at the Canteen to be taken over by our Coaches.